Saturday, August 16, 2008
Olympic Fever
Something else that is refreshing to see is a sportsmanship that prevails at the Games. Although every nation is reaching for the same goal, they all seem to embrace each other, no matter the outcome or the setbacks. The prowess of Michael Phelps at these Games is certainly something for the recordbooks (winning a race by .01 sec.) but something that is truly impressive is how he handles himself in the public eye. He, like much of the US Team is going for the gold, but that are also truly representing the USA in a respectful and honorable light. I hope the rest of the Games continue this way and seeing the accomplishments of the USA Team would only be icing on the cake.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time Flying By
In Washington, it almost felt like coming home, but it just wasn't quite the same. It all seemed so familiar, but has changed so much too. Mom, Dad, James and myself stayed at an old friend's house which also gave us a chance to spend some time in our old haunts. We spent a day in Seattle, hitting our favorite places and even ended the day in Issaquah for some great food at Shanghai Garden. It was a fun trip because we also saw a lot of familiar faces at Travis and Christie's Open House which we had at another old friend's, the Anderson's.
Part of the family with the Thompson's at Snoqualmie Falls.
Also on our trip to Washington, we stopped off for a few days on the coast at Ocean Shores for a family reunion. It was nice to see everyone again and we had great weather at the beach. There was even a sand castle building contest of sorts.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Lazy Days of Summer
So in the mean time, I'm sweltering under the heat in Maricopa, AZ. We've already survived several days over 110 degrees and I pray we don't see many more. Of course you find ways to cope: stay inside as much as possible, every building is air conditioned and drink a lot of water. The worst is going to your car after it's been parked outside for several hours. Nonetheless, you learn to deal with it. Being the youngest child and the last out of the house, I'm also one of the few who returns home in the summer. So it's been just me and my parents, which at times is very quiet and can even be lonely for me. I fill some of my time working in a daycare inside a grocery store. Apparently, it's an odd concept for many people to grasp, but the kids sure love it. Now I'm only getting more and more anxious to return to my home away from home.