Friday, February 27, 2009

Winter '09 Thus Far

I finally found some time to update my blog and post some new pictures. A couple of weeks ago after church we got everybody together and took some roommate pictures. They all turned out pretty good and we had fun taking them. Although our locations were a little limited considering everything is still covered in snow, so we took some right outside our apartment. The weather is still pretty cold here and the wind was pretty nasty yesterday, blowing so hard with slushy snow.
I am so grateful for my roommates this semester. We don't seem to ever have any major problems and we got along pretty well. We just finished season 3 of "24" because Erin had them on DVD and now we'll probably go through withdrawals. We always joke how we love a manly man like Jack Bauer. It sounds like we might go paintballing tomorrow with our FHE brothers and some friends, and Erin and I really want to get our hair cut, so we might do that today or tomorrow. So there are most posts to follow...hopefully.
Here are the girls: Back row to front, Amy and Theressa, Becky and Alyssa, Erin and me.
Got to represent our home.