Thursday, July 17, 2008

An Informal Introduction

For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions in my life: books and movies. Although my taste in either may have changed over the years my dedication to them has never faltered. Now in college, I have realized I want to marry the two and write screenplays. This is my dream job.

Aside from movies and books, I love to listen to music and nary a day goes by that I don't listen to at least a few favorites. Nothing is more relaxing than familiar music playing in an even familiar setting. I also love my family and spending time with them. As the youngest of five kids, I savor the time I am able to spend with my siblings and their families. I love going to college in Idaho, even though it's freezing there. The school and the people are great and I miss it everytime I come home. I hope to use this space as a medium to get some thoughts to paper so to speak and maybe vent once in a while. This is a chance to let people see my little corner of the world with all its quirks and then some.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Love your new blog page! You will have to show me how to do the music thing and the header etc. Such fun! Love, MOM