Monday, August 4, 2008

Lazy Days of Summer

I've started counting down the days until I return to school in Rexburg. Although I love having the opportunity to come home once in a while, I find that as soon as I am settled, I'm already missing the great atmosphere at school. Some scoff when I say I absolutely love going to school in a place like Rexburg, Idaho, but I always adamantly reply that I wouldn't dream of going to school anywhere else. Although, I will consent, the weather is not one of the advantages of going to school there.

So in the mean time, I'm sweltering under the heat in Maricopa, AZ. We've already survived several days over 110 degrees and I pray we don't see many more. Of course you find ways to cope: stay inside as much as possible, every building is air conditioned and drink a lot of water. The worst is going to your car after it's been parked outside for several hours. Nonetheless, you learn to deal with it. Being the youngest child and the last out of the house, I'm also one of the few who returns home in the summer. So it's been just me and my parents, which at times is very quiet and can even be lonely for me. I fill some of my time working in a daycare inside a grocery store. Apparently, it's an odd concept for many people to grasp, but the kids sure love it. Now I'm only getting more and more anxious to return to my home away from home.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I love your blog!! You are a natural. It took me forever to get mine to look ok and yours is so cute!! I wish I had your knack for writing! Oh well, to each their own! I am getting excited for you to go to school, and a little envious! We are going to miss aunt susie!! I will have to do better about keepiung in touch and maybe this blogging will help! Had fun with you today!!